Meadow is the 51st color since Fiesta Dinnerware was introduced in 1936. A fresh, minty shade of green, meadow is a soothing hue that complements a wide range of colors in the Fiesta color family.
Meadow lends itself to an assortment of color combinations, including:

At any given time, Fiesta has 14 or 15 colors in its spectrum. With the addition of Meadow, Sage is retiring. Sage was in production since 2015.
Fiesta’s 2019 colors include: Ivory, Slate, Scarlet, Poppy, Daffodil, Sunflower, Lemongrass, Shamrock, Meadow, Turquoise, Lapis, Cobalt, Mulberry, and White. The lineup also includes Foundry, a cast-iron like finish that has the ease of use of ceramic dinnerware.
Meadow will be available at better department stores, independent retailers, .coms, and on by end of June 2019.
Fiesta New Color Giveaway!
Be sure to visit the Fiesta instagram page @fiestadinnerware for details about how you can be one of the first to win a set of our new color Meadow. Contest ends Saturday, January 12, so hurry and enter! We partnered with @ohsodelicioso, @foundry42home and @houselarsbuilt who each created some beautiful tablescapes with our new color Meadow. Be sure to visit their pages on Instagram to see more!