Columbus Everything Fiesta Tent Sale Wrap-Up

September 25, 2015 | Posted in Colors & Products

As many of you know, we held our first ever tent sale in Columbus, OH last week. With this being our first Everything Fiesta Tent Sale venture outside of our retail outlets, we had no idea what to expect. After spending endless hours planning, running over details and demographics, and speculating the needs, we are excited to report that the event went off without a hitch and exceeded our expectations!

Columbus, Oh-2


With an unprecedented turn out, we ended up running short on some items that were in high demand. Even though we brought in an additional three extra semi-trucks loaded with ware on the second day, we found we could have used more.

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A 1 and, at times, a 2 hour wait seemed to be the norm over the course of the 4 days, however there were some lucky folk who got there early enough not to wait in any line. We made sure to provide benches to keep guests comfortable.


The atmosphere in Columbus was very friendly and inviting to the brand during the sale, which made our jobs that much easier. We sincerely appreciate everyone’s cooperation, support and tolerance of the wait time. From buying 16-20 pieces of ware, to buying for a small tribe, the provided shopping carts were an incredible success and a requirement going forward. We walked away realizing we could have utilized an additional semi full of grocery carts in the name of customer service to help move our Fiesta® enthusiasts into the tent in a more expeditious manor.


One of our favorite parts of the weekend was inviting 7 local non-profits to take our extra ware for their organizations on the last day. We love having the opportunity to provide some color while giving back whenever we can!

Volunteers at the Homeless Families Foundation enjoying their tent sale haul.
Volunteers from the Homeless Families Foundation enjoying their tent sale haul.


A note from our VP of Sales & Marketing

The Fiesta Production & Sales teams, local Columbus Temps, and I had an exhausting blast at this very special first ever Columbus, Ohio Tent Sale. I personally want to thank everyone who came from near & far, as well as the Ohio Expo Center & State Fair grounds, and the city of Columbus for such an outstanding, inviting reception.  

These were 4 packed days of wonderful memories that we will always cherish. Hope to see everyone again, same time, same place, next year.


Sincere Regards,

Rich Brinkman

V/P Sales & Marketing

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